I was drawn to this work after my own healing journey began in 1999, living and working in the financial sector in London. I started using yoga as a means of managing my stressful career. Through the yoga I began to connect to my body through this connection. I realised that there was unresolved trauma from my past that needed to be addressed. Using a combination of yoga and psycho-therapy I was able to begin the process of healing.
After I got married and it became clear that motherhood wasn’t going to happen effortlessly for us, I felt myself unraveling. After years of miscarriages, fertility treatments, more miscarriages and more fertility treatments. `I turned to self-medicating, using alcohol to “help” me ease the pain. With everything I’d learnt about my health and wellness I just couldn’t find the way to break this cycle of shame, guilt and numbing. Eventually it was through my yoga practice and the work of Dr Gabor Maté that I found the strength to quit drinking, address my trauma and begin to finally move out of the cycle of shame, guilt, sadness, anger and fear.
Utilising the innate healing powers of my body. I empowered myself to make the hard choices that empowered me to DREAM and create a life I love. As a facilitator of Dr Gabor Matè’s Compassionate Inquiry technique I use it alongside my NLP Master Coach training. In order to guide my clients as they unearth the root cause of their behaviours on the journey towards lasting change. As a Yoga Therapist the combination of these two modalities along with over 20 years of yoga and breath-work experience creates an individualised healing mind/body experience.
One of my passions is to take the esoteric teachings of ancient yogic philosophy and practice, and present them in a way that is easily accessible to a contemporary lifestyle. Using the ancient wisdom to create a full, rich and meaningful life in the 21st century. It is my belief that each client can be empowered to navigate the flow of life with grace and ease.
I am grateful to be a wife, mother and eternal student, taking the path less traveled on this journey of life.